It was cold, and we kept thinking, "Why are we doing this?" We even considered picking up our race packets and sitting in the car until it was over.
But the spirit of determination and adventure won out! WE DID IT!
After the race, Lisa said she was glad she did it. It actually felt good. And you know what? I agree! It's always hardest to start something that you aren't too thrilled about, but the rewards at the end are so sweet. Sure, we got a medal. And in our minds we came in first. But it was that intrinsic reward that was (and is) so gratifying.
I said, "Lisa. You have been bitten by the bug. You will want to do this again."
Ha. That's what she thinks.
The medals we received were inscribed with this:
The miracle isn't that I finished.
True. And it takes courage to start in the Christian race. Others may laugh, scorn, mock, jeer. You may have to make difficult decisions after you accept Christ as your Savior. And even in the race, there will be hard times. But it will be worth it. Trust me!The miracle is that I had the courage to start.
By the way, I finished at 40:04. Not too bad for an old lady who hadn't run for a while. The bug bit me again, and I think I'll continue!