Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I'm Back At It...

It has been a long winter.  I mean a really long winter.

Roger was recovering nicely from the liver transplant, and then he had to have another surgery in February.  Blech.

Needless to say, my running consisted of just the treadmill and me...UNTIL our new Assistant Pastor's wife, Whitney, came on board.  It seems she thought she needed to lose weight (much like me), and she began an eating healthy routine.  Me, still not so healthy.  :(

I'm not quite sure how it started, but we reported to each other on how we were doing on our treadmills.  Soon she said she would like to run a 5K.  Viola!  We ran at our house, and the rest is history....well sort of. 
We ran a 5K on Friday, March 8th.  Kendra, Whitney and I had fun, though it looks like we were exhausted! 

On a lark Whitney and I decided to run a 5K on Saturday, March 9th at Mt. Pulaski for a family whose baby daughter had died.
Before----smiling in the rain!
    After!  We did it!
It was not ideal running weather:  Rain, Wind, Cold. 
It was not an ideal course:  small hills, and one final killer hill. 
But we did it!  We jogged the entire course!  YEA. 

  • We will run again.  April 26th in Champaign.  Another 5K
  • I will run again.  April 27th in Champaign.  Another 1/2 marathon
  • Chad will run again with me, though we will run our own pace, and I will "see him at the finish line." 
  • Another chance to do better than before.  Another chance to run my race.

Soon Whitney will quicken her pace.  Soon we will start a race, and I will tell her the same thing I tell Chad:  "See you at the finish line."

What a thrill to run physical races, but it's an even greater privilege to run the race of life for God.  I see the goal, and I want to get there! 

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